Use "was his puppet|be his puppet" in a sentence

1. It's just a signed photograph of a puppet named Alf.

C'est une photo dédicacée d'une marionnette nommé Alf.

2. Puppet theatre does more than enchant children: it also fascinates adults who are drawn in by the aesthetic qualities of puppets, their poetic strength and their dramatic potential.

En adaptant des œuvres littéraires et musicales, ils en apportent souvent une vision renouvelée.

3. You said his family was his Achilles heel.

Tu as dit que sa famille était son talon d'Achille.

4. Fausto Correia will be sorely missed by his family, his friends and by us, his fellow Members.

Fausto Correia manquera cruellement à sa famille, à ses amis, ainsi qu'à nous tous, ses collègues.

5. Member of Sergeant Rolin's attack section, was characterized by his courage, his aggressive heat and his abnegation.

Appartenant à la section d'assaut du Sergent Rolin, se distingua par son courage, son ardeur agressive et son abnégation.

6. His blood alcohol level was

Son taux d' alcoolémie est de #, #.#, #?

7. He was merely stating his predicament, and the angel accepted his statement.

Il exposait simplement sa situation et l’ange accepta son explication.

8. Upon his arrival, Allemand was relieved of duty for "brutality towards his crews" and "rudeness towards his passengers".

Malgré ce succès, il est révoqué de son commandement dès son retour pour « brutalité envers son équipage » et « grossièreté vis-à-vis de ses passagers ».

9. Raisuni was hardened by his imprisonment, and returned to criminality after his release.

Raisuni fut endurci par son emprisonnement et retourna au banditisme après sa libération.

10. I was at his house last week, and I saw his team jacket.

La semaine dernière, chez lui, j'ai vu la veste de l'équipe.

11. Them was his last words aboveboard.

Ce sont là ses dernières paroles!

12. He was a prolific writer and his best known work was his Handbuch der Vermessungskunde (Handbook of Geodesy).

Il fut un écrivain prolifique ; son travail le plus célèbre est son Handbuch der Vermessungskunde (Manuel de géodésie).

13. Alaric was true to his word.

Alaric fut fidèle à sa parole.

14. His clothes were torn and he was left with abrasions on his lower body.

Par conséquent, ses vêtements étaient déchirés et la partie inférieure de son corps éraflée.

15. He succeeded his uncle, Shō Sen'i, who was forced to abdicate in his favor.

Il succède à son oncle, Shō Sen'i, contraint d'abdiquer en sa faveur.

16. This apoplexy will certain be his end.

Cette crise d'apoplexie sera sûrement fatale.

17. Doug Ross was raised by his mother, Sarah, after his father, Ray, abandoned their family.

Né en 1962, il a été élevé par sa mère, Sarah Ross, après que son père, Ray Ross, les a abandonnés.

18. His mother, Susan, was a cleaner at Marks & Spencer, and his father, John, a toolmaker.

Sa mère, Susan, était agent de nettoyage chez Marks & Spencer, et son père John était fabricant d'outils,.

19. His face was, I thought, affectingly beautiful.

Je pense que son visage était affectueusement beau.

20. And his sister was abducted by E.T.

Et sa sœur a été enlevée par E.T.

21. This was probably due partially to his relinquishment of absolutism and partially to his personality.

Cela est dû probablement à sa renonciation à l'absolutisme, mais il fut apprécié également pour sa personnalité.

22. It was under his abbacy that Saint Mederic made him his disciple and his friend; he had kept it on the baptismal font and devoted himself to his education.

C'est sous son abbatiat que saint Merry en fit son disciple et son ami ; il l'avait tenu sur les fonts baptismaux et s'était consacré à son éducation.

23. All the dogs of his farm-yards formed a pack of hounds at need; his grooms were his huntsmen; and the curate of the village was his grand almoner.

Tous les chiens de ses basses-cours composaient une meute dans le besoin; ses palefreniers étaient ses piqueurs; le vicaire du village était son grand-aumônier.

24. God’s promise to Abraham was fulfilled; his promise to those captive Jews will also be carried out.

La promesse de Dieu à Abraham se réalisa ; sa promesse aux captifs juifs s’accomplira aussi.

25. His chief concern was to follow the Christian vocation to holiness also in his political actions.

Sa principale préoccupation était de suivre la vocation du chrétien à la sainteté également dans son action politique.

26. His blood-alcohol level was through the roof.

Son taux d'alcool explosait tous les records.

27. His theory was to pay down the debt

La théorie de Tommy Douglas consistait à rembourser la dette

28. His advanced age (he was 65) was also taken into account.

Son âge avancé (65 ans) est également pris en compte.

29. 7 Throughout his writing, Luke proves to be an outstanding narrator, his accounts being well arranged and accurate.

7 D’un bout à l’autre de son livre, Luc se révèle un remarquable narrateur, ses récits étant composés avec méthode et précision.

30. He was stripped down to his underwear, and I was quite literally taken aback by the size of the bulge in his underpants.

Il était en sous vêtements, j'ai été choqué par la taille de son paquet.

31. In an interview with's Lucy Power, he was asked if it was counter-aerodynamic to shave his legs but not his face.

Dans une interview accordée à, un journaliste lui demande si cela n'est pas contre-aérodynamique de se raser ses jambes, mais pas son visage.

32. When he fell off the stage, he also fell onto his right ear, and his gait was affected.

Quand il est tombé de la scène, il est tombé sur son oreille droite, et sa démarche a été affectée.

33. He was a prototype, singular in his design, created to observe and record, his programming not yet complete.

C'était un prototype au design singulier, créé pour observer et enregistrer, sa programmation incomplète.

34. Before his apoplexy, her dad was proud of his daughter's feats, recognizing the traits of a strong temperament.

Avant son apoplexie, le père était fier des exploits de sa fille, lui reconnaissant les traits d'un fort caractère.

35. Abel brought an animal, and his sacrifice was accepted.”

Abel, lui, a amené un animal, et son sacrifice a été accepté. ”

36. Plus, his bill of lading was for 38 drums.

De plus, sa feuille de chargement était pour 38 bidons.

37. Ignatius Mhambi was acquitted of his charges in July."

Ignatius Mhambi a été mis hors de cause en juillet.«

38. Whatever his origin, Diarmait's abbacy was a troublesome one.

Quelle que soit son origine, l'abbatiat de Diarmait est une période troublée.

39. His father or his parents wrapped his hand and offering in the altar cloth, which was spread over him as a sign of adoption by the Church.

Son père ou ses parents enveloppaient sa main et son offrande dans la garniture de la nappe de l'autel, que l'on étendait sur lui en signe d'adoption par l'Église.

40. You saw his shoes when he was dragging you.You saw his face when he had you on the ground

Il allait l' encaisser pour moi, mais

41. “Joshua, and all Israel with him, now took Achan the son of Zerah and the silver and the garment and the bar of gold and his sons and his daughters and his ox and his ass and his flock and his tent and everything that was his and they brought them up to the valley of Achor.

“ Josué et tout Israël avec lui prirent Acan, fils de Zérach, l’argent, le manteau, le lingot d’or, les fils et les filles d’Acan, ses bœufs, ses ânes, ses brebis, sa tente, et tout ce qui lui appartenait ; et il les fit monter dans la vallée d’Acor.

42. But as long as you seriously and sincerely trust Jehovah and stay alertly in his organization and abide by his Word and obey Jehovah’s commandments, then his spirit and his blessing will be your happy portion.

Mais, aussi longtemps que vous vous confiez sincèrement en Jéhovah et restez dans son organisation en faisant preuve de vigilance, que vous vous en tenez à sa Parole et obéissez aux commandements de Jéhovah, son esprit et ses bénédictions seront votre part.

43. "It is his life that speaks, his humanity, his fidelity to the truth, his all-embracing love.

« C'est sa vie elle-même qui parle, son humanité, sa fidélité à la vérité, son amour qui s'étend à tous.

44. But his delight could not, alas, be shared with M. de Stermaria, as he and his daughter had already left.

Le ravissement d'Aimé, hélas, ne pouvait être partagé par M. de Stermaria, lui et sa fille ayant quitté l'hôtel.

45. His head when it was cut off, and into mine?

et rentrer dans la mienne?

46. His blood pressure on admission was 165/120 mm Hg.

Sa tension artérielle à l’admission était de 165/120 mm Hg.

47. His cath was clean and echo showed no structural abnormalities.

Cathétérisme normal et aucune anormalité sur l'écho.

48. At first his beat was City Hall, but his acerbic wit was soon directed at larger targets: provincial politicians and their counterparts in Ottawa and Washington.

Il s'intéresse d'abord à la politique municipale, mais son esprit acerbe l'amène bientôt à choisir de plus grosses cibles : les personnalités politiques de la province, d'Ottawa et de Washington.

49. He immediately advised his supervisor and the aircraft was grounded.

Il a immédiatement informé son superviseur, et l’aéronef a été interdit de vol.

50. His blood was three times over the permitted alcohol level

Son taux d' alcoolémie était de trois fois le taux autorisé

51. his meditation place, and his alchemical laboratory.

l'endroit où il médite, et son laboratoire alchimique.

52. Quillen's best known contribution (mentioned specifically in his Fields medal citation) was his formulation of higher algebraic K-theory in 1972.

Comme mentionné spécifiquement lors de l'attribution de la médaille Fields, sa contribution la plus célèbre est sa formulation de la K-théorie algébrique supérieure en 1972.

53. His former paper, The Manchester Guardian, later wrote of him, "That Agate was the first dramatic critic of his time may well be doubted by adherents of Ivor Brown or Desmond MacCarthy, but beyond dispute he was the first theatrical critic.

Son premier journal, The Manchester Guardian, écrira par la suite : « Que Agate soit le premier critique dramatique de son temps peut être mis en doute par les admirateurs de Ivor Brown ou de Desmond MacCarthy, mais on ne peut discuter qu'il soit le premier critique de théâtre.

54. How can he be normal when his novels are that eccentric?

Comment pourrait-il être normal quand ses romans sont si excentriques?

55. Noriyuki Morita was nominated for an Academy Award for his performance.

Noriyuki Morita a été nominé à un Academy Award pour sa performance.

56. His aunt Teresa was an accordionist and pianist in the 1950s.

Sa tante Teresa jouait à la perfection de l'accordéon et du piano, sur les scènes des années 1950.

57. His main work was Contributo allo studio della fauna entomologica Italiano.

Parmi ses publications majeures, il faut citer Fauna Entomologica Italiana.

58. And certainly, his knife was not in the air like this.

Et il ne tenait sûrement pas son couteau comme ça.

59. His Government was providing lower-level SMEs with free accounting software

Son gouvernement fournissait gratuitement du logiciel comptable aux PME du niveau inférieur

60. Danny was using a different email address From his home computer.

Danny utilisait une différente adresse mail à partir de l'ordinateur de chez lui.

61. It was actually his idea to upgrade the message-delivery system.

C'était son idée d'améliorer cet appareil

62. I' ve always heard he was very... abstemious in his diet

J' ai toujours entendu dire qu' il suivait un régime très frugal

63. Mawson was following, looking at his sledge in front of him.

Mawson suivait, en regardant son traîneau devant lui.

64. Mumford wrote in the preface to his book that the notes improved upon his work and that his current work on abelian varieties was a joint effort between him and Ramanujam.

Mumford a écrit dans la préface de son livre que les notes avaient amélioré son travail et que ses travaux en cours sur les variétés abéliennes étaient un travail conjoint entre lui et Ramanujam.

65. Ruffini changed his mind again and the first episode was aired.

Ruffini est alors revenu sur sa décision et le 1er épisode a pu être diffusé.

66. Even making an offer was outside his range of acceptable behavior.

Même faire une offre était en dehors de son éventail de comportements acceptables.

67. His advice to the master was to go around the stern of this inbound ship before altering to port for his destination.

Il a conseillé au commandant de contourner ce navire par l’arrière avant de venir sur bâbord pour reprendre sa route normale.

68. Jules Verne was welcomed there by his uncle Prudent Allotte de la Fuye, owner from 1828 à 1837, during his summer vacations.

Jules Verne y était accueilli par son oncle Prudent Allotte de la Fuÿe, propriétaire de 1828 à 1837, pendant les vacances d'été.

69. They've addled his brain and yellowed his teeth.

Cela lui a altéré le cerveau et jauni les dents.

70. 2001's Can't Back Down was his first album that did not produce a Top 40 country hit, and he was dropped by his record label soon afterward.

Sorti en 2001, Can't Back Down est son premier album qui ne figure pas au Top 40 ; il est abandonné par son label peu après.

71. They've addled his brain... and yellowed his teeth.

Cela lui a altéré le cerveau et jauni les dents.

72. When we found him, his blood alcohol level was extremely high

Lorsque nous l' avons trouvé, son taux d' alcoolémie était extrêmement élevé

73. Rome was appointed their guardian and the executor of his will.

Rome fut chargée de faire respecter sa volonté.

74. It was suggested that if a member were to be absent from a meeting, the member could propose, in writing via a letter or email, that his or her vote be transferred to another member of his or her regional group or constituency.

Il a été suggéré que, si un membre était absent d’une réunion, il propose par écrit, par lettre ou par courriel, que sa voix soit donnée à un autre membre du groupe régional ou du groupe de Parties auquel il appartient.

75. A person’s jewellery was placed in his or her grave to be used in the afterworld, along with many other personal items.

On plaçait les bijoux d’une personne dans sa tombe, ainsi que de nombreux autres objets personnels, pour qu’elle les utilise dans l’au-delà.

76. It was not until July 1996 that the public prosecutor finally acknowledged Nour-Eddine Mihoubi’s arrest and detention, albeit without providing his relatives with any information about his whereabouts or his fate.

Ce n’est qu’en juillet 1996 que le procureur a enfin reconnu l’arrestation et la détention de Nour-Eddine Mihoubi, sans pour autant informer ses proches du lieu de sa détention, ni de son sort.

77. His mandate recommended that notification should be made 48 hours in advance.

Aux termes de son mandat, il est recommandé que la notification soit faite 48 heures à l’avance.

78. His bones would be super brittle after being immersed in hydrochloric acid.

Les os étaient super fragiles après leur bain d'acide chlorhydrique.

79. But not " anyone " can be on his PDT list, though, can they?

Mais ils sont pas tous sur sa liste de CPD, n'est-ce pas?

80. So when Yarteks gets the final key, his power will be absolute.

Donc quand Yartek aura la dernière clef, son pouvoir sera sans limites.